An enclosure for Calculon/80

An enclosure for Calculon/80
Almost a year after finishing the PCB for the computer and a lot of hours of programming it, I saw a need for an enclosure. Mostly because it would be easier to connect all the cables and to turn it on and off, but also because my precious computer would be protected. I thought first that it would be a huge project that seemed far away, but after some research I found out that it may be quite easy. I found a company called Protocase (, which makes it really easy to design and order enclosures online. I spent a week on designing and measuring and after a month I got the enclosure by the mail. The result was amazing and it turns the Calculon/80 into a “real” computer and not just a PCB.
I put a cutout of the Calculon logotype on the top which I then placed an LCD behind to make it shine in a blue color. The LCD backlight can be controlled via an I/O pin from software. I had the idea of putting another logotype on the front as well so I ordered chrome-plated nickel stickers for the textual logotype on Alibaba. When they arrived I was very pleased, but once I put it on the front, it was almost impossible to read what it said. I think I have to create a logotype which is thicker and not as reflective as this one.